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Classifieds » 0-SIN CATEGORIA » Apart from that it's all about the lessons to be learned

Classifieds » 0-SIN CATEGORIA » Apart from that it's all about the lessons to be learned

Apart from that it's all about the lessons to be learned

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Tom Chilton: I think there's a sense of relief we've ended this whale WOTLK Gold The general public is in good spirits. It's hilarious because what's typical when we announce an expansion is that the business is swept into a frenzy of playing games. We enter game-player mode, in which we're all playing the game. Then, every day, we're in the same office discussing what we did the night prior to.

Regarding the exact number of sales Do you have any clues that the majority of those sales were from players who are playing at present or are returning back to play?

For sure. There was plenty of complexity during the process of transitioning between the world of old to World of Warcraft. It was, however, probably an event that happened once for us. It certainly caused its fair own share of problems with development, including a number of technical issues to deal with. This is something that we'll be extremely cautious about tackling. We've learned a few lessons in the event that we decide to do this kind of thing again in the future.

Apart from that it's all about the lessons to be learned about the zones themselves, the questing process and quest flow, the linearity and storytelling and freedom to do whatever you want, and the way we utilize dynamic phasing, grouping and all that sort of thing. We're pretty happy with the way it's turned out. We certainly used certain aspects of our technology much more than we've used before, at least when it pertains to buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold phasing and things similar to that. We'll continue to gain knowledge such as when the ideal time to use this and how best to benefit from it.

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