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Classifieds » 0-SIN CATEGORIA » Something unusual began to happen in a game called Old School R

Classifieds » 0-SIN CATEGORIA » Something unusual began to happen in a game called Old School R

Something unusual began to happen in a game called Old School R

  • Ciudad NEW YORK
  • Pais United States


A few players of those who support the OSRS gold project have taken to a town square in Falador in the capital city for one of Runescape's most important kingdoms. The goal was to have an anti-government protest that is like the protest World of Warcraft players held in July. The players can be seen in the video posted with the text of a dialogue that criticizes Jagex for the decision. Another video shows more participants "marching" on the streets of Falador Square.

A some time back, something unusual began to happen in a game called Old School RuneScape. Suddenly there were lots of new players playing the game and they were performing their tasks in exactly the same manner. They stayed for hours on end, doing the same thing every time. Green dragons were killed, as was gathering gold. Then killing even more green dragons and collecting gold.

It was evident that these new players were what gamers refer to as "gold farmer." They were winning gold in the game and then converting this gold from the game into actual money through the sale of it to other players on underground websites. It's been going on for a long time, and the majority of games have banned it, but the practice continues.

The problem was, why was there suddenly many of these new players entering Old School RuneScape? The answer lies in one single collapsed economy. Venezuela. Rampant hyperinflation was undermining the currency of the country. And for thousands of cheap OSRS GP from video games was becoming a means of safety.

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